Opening hours, sizes and electricity

Business, bank and restaurant opening times, clothing sizes and info on electricity.

Opening hours - the time zone in Argentina is UTC/GMT-3 and there are no time changes during the year. Activity in Buenos Aires starts early in the morning and continues until very late at night.
  • Most shops open 9 am - 8 pm Monday to Friday and at least 9 am - 1 pm on Saturdays, but many stores on the main avenues and in the main commercial areas also open all Saturday afternoon. Shopping malls usually open until 10 pm, including on Sundays and public holidays.
  • Banks open 10am - 3pm, Monday - Friday. Some branches in the central downtown area may open until 4 pm. Cash withdrawals can be made from ATMs/cash machines 24 hours a day.
  • Locals fit their meals around work and other commitments and times may vary, but in general, breakfast is between 7 am and 10 pm, lunch between 12.30 pm and 3 pm, and dinner between 8 pm and 11 pm.
  • The electric current in Argentina is AC 220-380 volts. Electric plug configurations used have 2 or 3 flat pins with the top two pins diagonally angled.
Travelers are therefore advised to carry adapters and/or transformers.